Saturday, June 7, 2008

A look at Immigration Reform

Do we need Immigration Reform? it seem to be the hot topic this year. I can tell were we need reform, and it is not Immigration as such. For starters we need to stop generalizing. In my humble opinion the Immigration issue is still very much a racial issue. We are trying so hard to be political correct that we end up doing nothing, because we might offend somebody. Explain me something and I am serious. Why is it when you go into a federal or state building the only other language you see posted is Spanish? don''t say because the majority of immigrants is Hispanic. That might be true, however that should NEVER be the reason. In my neck of the woods there are just as many Germans due to BMW manufacturing, however you will see nothing posted in German. Anyway the reform should be in how to handle and proceed with Immigrations applications After they have been filed. Filing means you want to become a useful citizen of this country. Establish a Home here and participate in the life and lifestyle of common folks. This is the greatest country in the world after all or is it? (YES it is!!!) In America you can basically do what you want so long as it doesn't interfere or harm someone else, right? You can disappear if you like, or even be forgotten. like with the INS an Application from the Reagan years some 18 years ago has still not been resolved. Originally it had been denied for some really screwed up reason. Then those were straighten out and the decision appealed. The Case is "pending" since 1991. Can you imagine what would happen with another 12 million cases? give you another excample. The person in question requested with a FOI request to get copies of all documents relating to HIS case and relating to INS documentation. The Reply was " this will take up to 18 month" bearing in mind that the request was made for delivery in electronic form which should be readily available with a few key strokes this time line is totally un acceptable by any standard. because you and I know that Law enforcement would have everything available within 24 hours ifg he would commit a major crime. Do we need an Immigration Reform? No we don't but we need to reform the process and maybe stop wasting time discussing it

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