Friday, September 4, 2009

A Look at Healthcare Reform

Healthcare reform maybe now is time to chime in.

Do we need it? YES Can we pay for it? Probably not.

Right now it seems to be the topic everybody is discussing and disgusted about, there is no question in my mind that a healthcare reform is needed. Does that mean we need another “Plan”? Certainly not. We already have 3 government run programs and none of them is working. So you fix it by adding another one? I don’t think so. Us usual the government is run with the intend of moving money from one pocket into another in the same pair of pants and declaring by eliminating this and that they will save money. Unfortunately moving coins around everybody knows there will be sooner or later Holes in those pockets, and nothing is saved
About the Death Panel? There is none. Of course politicians can’t speak a normal language. It is not a good idea to have something called “End of life issues” in a health care bill. It invites people to speculate. It is a fact that most American don’t have a Health Care Power of Attorney. So make one and you won’t even see those guy’s. All this is, it’s a group of professionals helping with the issue if a loved one is in a serious state of “Disrepair”. There is no cost issue involved just the medical facts. Like if the person is in a mentally and physical state which requires 24/7 care with no hope of recovery. (Gun shot to the head and half the brain missing per example). WE could argue God intended that person to be dead, he/she would be if it wasn’t for our intervention. Who is right?

There is one troubling and not very clear aspect in this bill. It looks like if you don’t have any insurance you MUST take the public option. And once on it, you can’t leave. On the other hand, that might just be written in legaleese and so confusing that we might have a few lawsuits making lots of money for the attorneys, which of course are the ones who have written this bill in the first place.

Why can’t the just write a bill like this:

We will establish small fully staffed health clinic in every county were you can go and have your cuts and bruises taken care off. To fund this projects we will charge 10 dollars a month to every adult in America and a 5 dollar co pay at the time of service. By participating and being up to date with your contribution, any prescribed medication will be available in generic form for 3 dollars. Otherwise your medication co pay will be 5 dollars. Of Course this insurance will also pay for major illnesses and accidents.

Of course something as clear as this can’t be written, its way to simple